18 menú d’Occitània
Bertino, AndréeValla, Fredo
Voillat, Marie
- Publisher : Chambra d’Òc
- Language : autras lingas | occitan [vivaroaupenc] | occitan-français
- Release : 02/2006
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From the Alps to the Pyrenees, from the twelfth to the twenty-first century, 18 ladies of Occitany have inspired this book through their stories. The book contains a thousand tastes and as many colours to make your mouth water.
A text and a few unpublished drawings accompany the gourmet reader.
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Product Details
Complement de titre : (òc) dediats a 18 grandas fremas de l’estòria occitana – (it) dedicati a 18 donne famose della storia occitana – (fr) dédiés a 18 dames célèbres de l’histoire occitane – (en) dedicated to 18 famous ladies in the occitanian history
Autor : Bertino, Andrée ; Valla, Fredo
Illustracions : Voillat, Marie
Linga : Occitan (vivaroaupenc) – italian – francés – anglés
Parucion : 02/2006
Editor : Chambra d’Òc
Nb de pajas : 295
Format : 17 x 23,5 cm
Pés : 740 g